• Contentment Is A Choice

    Growing up in America we train ourselves to believe anything is possible. If you dream it, it can happen. These statements should really be inspiring, but are they really true? Is anything really possible? Anything is a broad category. The same is true for my dreams. I have big dreams. There are no limitations on my dreams, but what about my abilities to exhibit them? This is what I question most.

    Legally everyone in America is entitled to become anything or anyone they want. Legally, no one can say that you can’t study this or that. Likewise no one can say that you can’t become a track star. I legally have the right to go out for the track team.

    Practically however, this is not true. To get into a college program there are requirements. If it is my dream to become an engineer and yet cannot pass the prerequisites, my goal of becoming an engineer is over before it begins. The same is true with my ability to become a track star. I cannot run, but I think about it constantly.

    So what is one to do? I am definitely a goal-oriented person. When I set a goal I want to achieve it. I need to first think about what skills I do possess. What do I enjoy? What am I able to do? The answer to both of these questions would begin to help me form my personalized goals. After all that’s how I came up with the idea for Abilities1st. As life evolves and I achieve one goal I make another following a similar criteria. Life changes but goals can still continue.

    Having reasonable expectations is one way to accept that sometimes there are things we can change and sometimes we can’t. The secret to being content with life is to be content with what you have, the abilities you have been given. We can always try to improve our lives to achieve contentment with whatever area we are discontent. Life is a series of ups and downs. But this week I want to talk about how to remain content throughout life.

    Happiness for the most part is a choice. This may take some work. But if you think about it happiness and being content is almost one and the same. You can truly train yourself to think more positive thoughts. Happiness is influenced by a lot of factors. Happiness is a state of being. It is a matter of what you think and what you emphasize. One area is the area of contentment.

    Basically contentment is the idea of finding satisfaction with life. What is your focus? Do you think about what you have or what you don’t have? Can you focus on and be thankful for what you have? Once we find one thing to be thankful for it is easy to find another, and another. The opposite is also true. I believe while it’s easy to complain it is a lot easier to get stuck in a rut and then it takes 5 times the energy to get out. It is simply your choice to become content and go down the road of happiness.

    There are different ways to find happiness. You can also participate in activities you enjoy. You can be happy because you love someone or because someone loves you. You can also find temporary happiness by winning a competition or by winning money. Really, happiness means different things for everyone. So knowing yourself is probably the best gift you could ever give to yourself.

    Speaking of gifts to give you, say goodbye to negative thinking. No complaining, no why me? This is one of the ways to ward off depression. Over time depression can change your body chemistry affecting not only you but also those around you. Negative thinking is hard to justify when trying to reach contentment.

    Counting your blessings, on the other hand, leads you to figure out what you do have. I may not be able to ever be a track star, but I can walk and take a few steps unsupported. I am a blog writer with a master’s degree in psychology. I help people every day to reach their potential. I have a wonderful husband who loves me and supports all I do. I have the skills to find contentment but I have to choose, sometimes on a daily basis on whether I am going to practice contentment.

    The following are 4 ways you can choose to practice contentment.

    1. Remember contentment is a state of mind. Some areas of life can’t be changed. You must work to be satisfied or at least be satisfied for a time. You can over time train your mind to be satisfied with the life you have been given. Part of contentment is recognizing there is always something new or different that you may want or need. Part of training your thinking is taking the time to assess if a new or different item will in fact make you satisfied again.

    2. You have the power to change. There are certain things in our control, for example, education. If you are unhappy with your job or life consider gaining more skills. Things are always changing and therefore sometimes people must be willing to change. Part of training your mind is taking personal responsibility for you. Change what you can.

    3. Take inventory. Be grateful for what you have been given. Don’t forget to start or include the little things that often get overlooked until they are taken away. When you start taking inventory it affords you a new perspective and will allow you to focus on the positives.

    4. Embrace being you. Everyone is unique. We all have a special set of skills. More often than not people forget this because they spend most of their time comparing themselves with others. Comparing is often what starts the cycle of discontentment. If you embrace you it will only lead to happiness.

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